About SGW

Smart Growth West (SGW) is in the process of gaining our 501(c)(3) status. We are dedicated to promoting and supporting sustainable development and responsible growth. SGW engages in programs and public education to protect and preserve natural resources, waterways, open space, parks, forests, wildlife, and quality of life from urban sprawl and overdevelopment throughout the western United States. We believe that communities are more resilient when the environmental costs of growth are offset by investments in sustainable materials, clean transportation, and green energy. SGW also aims to support local communities by offering professional resources and environmental analysis for use by local leaders, stakeholders, and citizens.


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Membership & Support:


Addressing the monumental challenges of climate change can best be achieved through coalition partners, industry leaders, and citizens working together to achieve these objectives. To become an individual member and support Smart Growth West’s objectives.

Industry Partnerships

Our industry partners support sustainable development objectives and integrate these values into their business operations. We know that the development of open land increases greenhouse gas emissions in the construction phase and continues for decades, adding to future public costs. Zero-carbon buildings, solar investments, and offsets that protect low-income residents from soaring property values are all important tools to ensure a more resilient future for all citizens. Business leaders in sustainable development can play an important role in promoting these objectives within communities as the new industry standard.


  • Public Education

    Forward-looking strategies to guide investments in green development can help local communities allocate their resources and prioritize policies. Successful planning of future communities depends on local citizens and stakeholders to consider the financial impact that increased growth will have on people and the planet  as climate change continues. Planning now for green energy and transportation will have a sustained benefit on future generations as the costs of growth are multiplied. If you’d like more information about public education opportunities from Smart Growth West, please contact us.

  • Land Use Policy Analysis and Legal Resources

    Land use and zoning laws are an important tool in public advocacy and industry education to promote sustainable development. Local ordinances and development agreements may be used to condition permit approvals through required investments in green energy, public transportation, clean air, and other policies to reduce the carbon footprint of development.  

    A strong local government should evaluate community priorities for promoting green development and incorporate them into the decision-making criteria for local permits. “Density bonuses” or zoning changes tied to green development standards offer local officials, stakeholders, and citizens a chance to reduce the environmental impact of construction and industry growth, conserve undeveloped and public land, invest in clean public transportation, and promote renewable energy investments. 

    If you’d like more information on legal tools for promoting sustainable development in your community, please contact us.

  • Empowering Advocacy

    Decisions about local development are usually based on criteria set forth in local ordinances and state law. While specific zoning changes must be based on local, state, and constitutional law, advocates for sustainable development recommend the following priorities and public health and safety considerations to help preserve the environment, reduce the carbon footprint of additional development, and promote public safety:


By Admin January 5, 2021

Greetings, and welcome to Smart Growth West! We thank you for your interest.

Stay tuned to this space for news and notes from SGW and occasional guests. We’ll have updates on smart growth developments, alerts about breaking issues, and analysis of important votes and how your lawmakers performed. We also hope to feature commentary by key influencers and thought leaders in this field.

As fires have tragically burned throughout the western U.S., we face one of the biggest environmental challenges of our lifetime. We hope to take steps, together with you, to do our small but increasingly critical part in taking care of our planet while coexisting and moving forward. Advocating and fighting for smart growth principles will help address these and other critical issues. Thank you for joining us!

Contact SGW

To contact Smart Growth West directly, please use the form below. 

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